New Opportunities
New Covenant Baptist Church of DeLand, Florida, seeks a bi-vocational or part-time pastor to lead a supportive community where all who search are welcome, where all are free to find their own relationship to God, and where it is safe to question what it means to follow Christ. New Covenant Baptist Church seeks to be an open and inclusive community, offering spiritual and educational services and programs in person and online, focusing on love and service to all as we journey together. New Covenant, founded in 2013, is associated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
Worship services at New Covenant are traditional and liturgical, with music and the spoken word coordinating to create a cohesive service. Although our attendance at worship averages less than 50, we are actively involved in outreach programs for our community and are hoping to find a pastor who will guide us in this endeavor. The candidate for this position should hold an advanced degree from an accredited seminary (MDiv preferred). The position will encompass being the spiritual leader for our small congregation of mostly retired professionals. It will involve twenty to thirty hours per week to include preparation and delivery of scholarly, inspiring, and challenging sermons; guidance and leadership to the church; hospital/sick visits; and spiritual care as needed. The pastor should be an honest and trustworthy person who is a visionary and is passionate about connecting with our community.
Interested applicants should submit their resume and cover letter to
For more information about New Covenant Baptist Church, go to